Burnley to Weir & Bacup

Tickets & Fares


Print Timetable Monday - 8 - Burnley Bus Station - Bacup, St James Gardens

Bus Station Burnley (Stand 5)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 5)
06:35 07:40 09:05 then
:05 until 14:05 15:05 16:15 17:25 18:35
Mechanics Institute Burnley (SW)
06:36 07:41 09:06 :06 14:06 15:07 16:17 17:27 18:36
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (by)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (by)
06:37 07:42 09:07 :07 14:07 15:08 16:18 17:28 18:37
Parliament Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parliament Street
Burnley Wood (by)
06:39 07:44 09:09 :09 14:09 15:09 16:19 17:29 18:39
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (S)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Strange Street Burnley Wood (S)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (by)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
The Woodman Burnley Wood (S)
The Woodman
Burnley Wood (S)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Fairholme Road Burnley Wood (by)
Fairholme Road
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Rock Lane Towneley (S)
Rock Lane
Towneley (S)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Picnic Area Towneley (by)
Picnic Area
Towneley (by)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Bacup Road Towneley (by)
Bacup Road
Towneley (by)
06:43 07:48 09:13 :13 14:13 15:14 16:24 17:34 18:43
Rush Hey Cliviger (SE)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (SE)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:15 16:25 17:35 18:44
Thane Row Cliviger (S)
Thane Row
Cliviger (S)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:16 16:26 17:36 18:44
Land-fill Site Holme Chapel (SW)
Land-fill Site
Holme Chapel (SW)
06:46 07:51 09:16 :16 14:16 15:17 16:27 17:37 18:46
Bacup Old Road Weir (SE)
06:49 07:54 09:19 :19 14:19 15:21 16:31 17:41 18:49
Wesley Old Hall Weir (by)
06:50 07:55 09:20 :20 14:20 15:22 16:32 17:42 18:50
The Moorlands Weir (by)
The Moorlands
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Heald Lane Weir (by)
Heald Lane
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Richard Street Weir (S)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Weir Lane Weir (by)
Weir Lane
Weir (by)
06:52 07:57 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Plantation View Weir (S)
06:52 07:58 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Northern CPS Broad Clough (S)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (S)
06:53 07:59 09:23 :23 14:23 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:53
York Street Broad Clough (by)
York Street
Broad Clough (by)
06:54 07:59 09:24 :24 14:24 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:54
Riley Street Broad Clough (SW)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (SW)
06:55 08:00 09:25 :25 14:25 15:26 16:36 17:46 18:55
Meadows Avenue Bacup (by)
Meadows Avenue
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:01 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Hammerton Street Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Laurel Street Bacup (by)
Laurel Street
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:56
Post Office Bacup (Stop E)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop E)
06:57 08:03 09:27 :27 14:27 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:57
St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:29 16:39 17:49 18:58

Print Timetable Monday - 8 - Bacup, St James Gardens - Burnley Bus Station

St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 then
:28 until 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Inkerman Street Bacup (SE)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Thorn Gardens Bacup (by)
Thorn Gardens
Bacup (by)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Tong Lane Top Bacup (SE)
Tong Lane Top
Bacup (SE)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Pennine Road Bacup (SW)
Pennine Road
Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Gladstone Street Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Sandfield Road Top Bacup (S)
07:01 08:07 09:31 :31 14:31 15:33 16:43 17:53 19:01
Sandfield Road Bottom Bacup (SW)
07:02 08:08 09:32 :32 14:32 15:34 16:44 17:54 19:02
Greenhill Road Bacup (by)
Greenhill Road
Bacup (by)
07:03 08:10 09:33 :33 14:33 15:35 16:45 17:55 19:03
Royal Court Theatre Bacup (N)
07:05 08:12 09:35 :35 14:35 15:37 16:47 17:57 19:05
Union Street Bacup (Stop I)
Union Street
Bacup (Stop I)
07:06 08:14 09:36 :36 14:36 15:39 16:49 17:58 19:06
Market Street Bacup (Stop B)
Market Street
Bacup (Stop B)
07:07 08:15 09:37 :37 14:37 15:40 16:50 17:59 19:07
Post Office Bacup (Stop F)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop F)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Ash Street Bacup (by)
Ash Street
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Holmes Lane Bacup (by)
Holmes Lane
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Meadows Avenue Bacup (N)
07:09 08:17 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
Riley Street Broad Clough (by)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (by)
07:09 08:18 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
York St Broad Clough (N)
York St
Broad Clough (N)
07:10 08:18 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Northern CPS Broad Clough (by)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (by)
07:10 08:19 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Plantation View Weir (by)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Weir Lane Weir (N)
Weir Lane
Weir (N)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Richard Street Weir (by)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
Heald Lane Weir (N)
Heald Lane
Weir (N)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
The Moorlands Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Wesley Old Hall Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Bacup Old Road Weir (by)
07:14 08:23 09:44 :44 14:44 15:47 16:57 18:06 19:14
Landfill site Holme Chapel (by)
Landfill site
Holme Chapel (by)
07:17 08:26 09:47 :47 14:47 15:50 17:00 18:09 19:17
Thane Row Cliviger (by)
Thane Row
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Rush Hey Cliviger (by)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Picnic Area Burnley Wood (N)
Picnic Area
Burnley Wood (N)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Turning Circle Towneley (by)
Turning Circle
Towneley (by)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Rock Lane Towneley (by)
Rock Lane
Towneley (by)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Fairholme Rd Burnley Wood (N)
Fairholme Rd
Burnley Wood (N)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (W)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (W)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Strange Street Burnley Wood (by)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:22 08:32 09:52 :52 14:52 15:55 17:05 18:14 19:22
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (by)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (by)
07:23 08:33 09:53 :53 14:53 15:56 17:06 18:15 19:23
Parkinson Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parkinson Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:24 08:34 09:54 :54 14:54 15:57 17:07 18:16 19:24
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (NW)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (NW)
07:25 08:36 09:55 :55 14:55 15:58 17:08 18:17 19:25
Mechanics Institute Burnley (by)
07:27 08:38 09:57 :57 14:57 16:00 17:10 18:19 19:27
Bus Station Burnley (Stand 0)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 0)
07:29 08:41 09:59 :59 14:59 16:02 17:12 18:21 19:29

Print Timetable Tuesday - 8 - Burnley Bus Station - Bacup, St James Gardens

Bus Station Burnley (Stand 5)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 5)
06:35 07:40 09:05 then
:05 until 14:05 15:05 16:15 17:25 18:35
Mechanics Institute Burnley (SW)
06:36 07:41 09:06 :06 14:06 15:07 16:17 17:27 18:36
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (by)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (by)
06:37 07:42 09:07 :07 14:07 15:08 16:18 17:28 18:37
Parliament Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parliament Street
Burnley Wood (by)
06:39 07:44 09:09 :09 14:09 15:09 16:19 17:29 18:39
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (S)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Strange Street Burnley Wood (S)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (by)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
The Woodman Burnley Wood (S)
The Woodman
Burnley Wood (S)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Fairholme Road Burnley Wood (by)
Fairholme Road
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Rock Lane Towneley (S)
Rock Lane
Towneley (S)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Picnic Area Towneley (by)
Picnic Area
Towneley (by)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Bacup Road Towneley (by)
Bacup Road
Towneley (by)
06:43 07:48 09:13 :13 14:13 15:14 16:24 17:34 18:43
Rush Hey Cliviger (SE)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (SE)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:15 16:25 17:35 18:44
Thane Row Cliviger (S)
Thane Row
Cliviger (S)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:16 16:26 17:36 18:44
Land-fill Site Holme Chapel (SW)
Land-fill Site
Holme Chapel (SW)
06:46 07:51 09:16 :16 14:16 15:17 16:27 17:37 18:46
Bacup Old Road Weir (SE)
06:49 07:54 09:19 :19 14:19 15:21 16:31 17:41 18:49
Wesley Old Hall Weir (by)
06:50 07:55 09:20 :20 14:20 15:22 16:32 17:42 18:50
The Moorlands Weir (by)
The Moorlands
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Heald Lane Weir (by)
Heald Lane
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Richard Street Weir (S)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Weir Lane Weir (by)
Weir Lane
Weir (by)
06:52 07:57 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Plantation View Weir (S)
06:52 07:58 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Northern CPS Broad Clough (S)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (S)
06:53 07:59 09:23 :23 14:23 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:53
York Street Broad Clough (by)
York Street
Broad Clough (by)
06:54 07:59 09:24 :24 14:24 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:54
Riley Street Broad Clough (SW)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (SW)
06:55 08:00 09:25 :25 14:25 15:26 16:36 17:46 18:55
Meadows Avenue Bacup (by)
Meadows Avenue
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:01 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Hammerton Street Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Laurel Street Bacup (by)
Laurel Street
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:56
Post Office Bacup (Stop E)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop E)
06:57 08:03 09:27 :27 14:27 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:57
St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:29 16:39 17:49 18:58

Print Timetable Tuesday - 8 - Bacup, St James Gardens - Burnley Bus Station

St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 then
:28 until 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Inkerman Street Bacup (SE)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Thorn Gardens Bacup (by)
Thorn Gardens
Bacup (by)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Tong Lane Top Bacup (SE)
Tong Lane Top
Bacup (SE)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Pennine Road Bacup (SW)
Pennine Road
Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Gladstone Street Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Sandfield Road Top Bacup (S)
07:01 08:07 09:31 :31 14:31 15:33 16:43 17:53 19:01
Sandfield Road Bottom Bacup (SW)
07:02 08:08 09:32 :32 14:32 15:34 16:44 17:54 19:02
Greenhill Road Bacup (by)
Greenhill Road
Bacup (by)
07:03 08:10 09:33 :33 14:33 15:35 16:45 17:55 19:03
Royal Court Theatre Bacup (N)
07:05 08:12 09:35 :35 14:35 15:37 16:47 17:57 19:05
Union Street Bacup (Stop I)
Union Street
Bacup (Stop I)
07:06 08:14 09:36 :36 14:36 15:39 16:49 17:58 19:06
Market Street Bacup (Stop B)
Market Street
Bacup (Stop B)
07:07 08:15 09:37 :37 14:37 15:40 16:50 17:59 19:07
Post Office Bacup (Stop F)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop F)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Ash Street Bacup (by)
Ash Street
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Holmes Lane Bacup (by)
Holmes Lane
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Meadows Avenue Bacup (N)
07:09 08:17 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
Riley Street Broad Clough (by)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (by)
07:09 08:18 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
York St Broad Clough (N)
York St
Broad Clough (N)
07:10 08:18 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Northern CPS Broad Clough (by)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (by)
07:10 08:19 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Plantation View Weir (by)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Weir Lane Weir (N)
Weir Lane
Weir (N)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Richard Street Weir (by)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
Heald Lane Weir (N)
Heald Lane
Weir (N)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
The Moorlands Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Wesley Old Hall Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Bacup Old Road Weir (by)
07:14 08:23 09:44 :44 14:44 15:47 16:57 18:06 19:14
Landfill site Holme Chapel (by)
Landfill site
Holme Chapel (by)
07:17 08:26 09:47 :47 14:47 15:50 17:00 18:09 19:17
Thane Row Cliviger (by)
Thane Row
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Rush Hey Cliviger (by)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Picnic Area Burnley Wood (N)
Picnic Area
Burnley Wood (N)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Turning Circle Towneley (by)
Turning Circle
Towneley (by)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Rock Lane Towneley (by)
Rock Lane
Towneley (by)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Fairholme Rd Burnley Wood (N)
Fairholme Rd
Burnley Wood (N)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (W)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (W)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Strange Street Burnley Wood (by)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:22 08:32 09:52 :52 14:52 15:55 17:05 18:14 19:22
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (by)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (by)
07:23 08:33 09:53 :53 14:53 15:56 17:06 18:15 19:23
Parkinson Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parkinson Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:24 08:34 09:54 :54 14:54 15:57 17:07 18:16 19:24
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (NW)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (NW)
07:25 08:36 09:55 :55 14:55 15:58 17:08 18:17 19:25
Mechanics Institute Burnley (by)
07:27 08:38 09:57 :57 14:57 16:00 17:10 18:19 19:27
Bus Station Burnley (Stand 0)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 0)
07:29 08:41 09:59 :59 14:59 16:02 17:12 18:21 19:29

Print Timetable Wednesday - 8 - Burnley Bus Station - Bacup, St James Gardens

Bus Station Burnley (Stand 5)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 5)
06:35 07:40 09:05 then
:05 until 14:05 15:05 16:15 17:25 18:35
Mechanics Institute Burnley (SW)
06:36 07:41 09:06 :06 14:06 15:07 16:17 17:27 18:36
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (by)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (by)
06:37 07:42 09:07 :07 14:07 15:08 16:18 17:28 18:37
Parliament Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parliament Street
Burnley Wood (by)
06:39 07:44 09:09 :09 14:09 15:09 16:19 17:29 18:39
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (S)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Strange Street Burnley Wood (S)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (by)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
The Woodman Burnley Wood (S)
The Woodman
Burnley Wood (S)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Fairholme Road Burnley Wood (by)
Fairholme Road
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Rock Lane Towneley (S)
Rock Lane
Towneley (S)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Picnic Area Towneley (by)
Picnic Area
Towneley (by)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Bacup Road Towneley (by)
Bacup Road
Towneley (by)
06:43 07:48 09:13 :13 14:13 15:14 16:24 17:34 18:43
Rush Hey Cliviger (SE)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (SE)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:15 16:25 17:35 18:44
Thane Row Cliviger (S)
Thane Row
Cliviger (S)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:16 16:26 17:36 18:44
Land-fill Site Holme Chapel (SW)
Land-fill Site
Holme Chapel (SW)
06:46 07:51 09:16 :16 14:16 15:17 16:27 17:37 18:46
Bacup Old Road Weir (SE)
06:49 07:54 09:19 :19 14:19 15:21 16:31 17:41 18:49
Wesley Old Hall Weir (by)
06:50 07:55 09:20 :20 14:20 15:22 16:32 17:42 18:50
The Moorlands Weir (by)
The Moorlands
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Heald Lane Weir (by)
Heald Lane
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Richard Street Weir (S)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Weir Lane Weir (by)
Weir Lane
Weir (by)
06:52 07:57 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Plantation View Weir (S)
06:52 07:58 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Northern CPS Broad Clough (S)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (S)
06:53 07:59 09:23 :23 14:23 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:53
York Street Broad Clough (by)
York Street
Broad Clough (by)
06:54 07:59 09:24 :24 14:24 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:54
Riley Street Broad Clough (SW)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (SW)
06:55 08:00 09:25 :25 14:25 15:26 16:36 17:46 18:55
Meadows Avenue Bacup (by)
Meadows Avenue
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:01 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Hammerton Street Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Laurel Street Bacup (by)
Laurel Street
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:56
Post Office Bacup (Stop E)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop E)
06:57 08:03 09:27 :27 14:27 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:57
St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:29 16:39 17:49 18:58

Print Timetable Wednesday - 8 - Bacup, St James Gardens - Burnley Bus Station

St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 then
:28 until 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Inkerman Street Bacup (SE)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Thorn Gardens Bacup (by)
Thorn Gardens
Bacup (by)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Tong Lane Top Bacup (SE)
Tong Lane Top
Bacup (SE)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Pennine Road Bacup (SW)
Pennine Road
Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Gladstone Street Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Sandfield Road Top Bacup (S)
07:01 08:07 09:31 :31 14:31 15:33 16:43 17:53 19:01
Sandfield Road Bottom Bacup (SW)
07:02 08:08 09:32 :32 14:32 15:34 16:44 17:54 19:02
Greenhill Road Bacup (by)
Greenhill Road
Bacup (by)
07:03 08:10 09:33 :33 14:33 15:35 16:45 17:55 19:03
Royal Court Theatre Bacup (N)
07:05 08:12 09:35 :35 14:35 15:37 16:47 17:57 19:05
Union Street Bacup (Stop I)
Union Street
Bacup (Stop I)
07:06 08:14 09:36 :36 14:36 15:39 16:49 17:58 19:06
Market Street Bacup (Stop B)
Market Street
Bacup (Stop B)
07:07 08:15 09:37 :37 14:37 15:40 16:50 17:59 19:07
Post Office Bacup (Stop F)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop F)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Ash Street Bacup (by)
Ash Street
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Holmes Lane Bacup (by)
Holmes Lane
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Meadows Avenue Bacup (N)
07:09 08:17 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
Riley Street Broad Clough (by)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (by)
07:09 08:18 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
York St Broad Clough (N)
York St
Broad Clough (N)
07:10 08:18 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Northern CPS Broad Clough (by)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (by)
07:10 08:19 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Plantation View Weir (by)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Weir Lane Weir (N)
Weir Lane
Weir (N)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Richard Street Weir (by)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
Heald Lane Weir (N)
Heald Lane
Weir (N)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
The Moorlands Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Wesley Old Hall Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Bacup Old Road Weir (by)
07:14 08:23 09:44 :44 14:44 15:47 16:57 18:06 19:14
Landfill site Holme Chapel (by)
Landfill site
Holme Chapel (by)
07:17 08:26 09:47 :47 14:47 15:50 17:00 18:09 19:17
Thane Row Cliviger (by)
Thane Row
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Rush Hey Cliviger (by)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Picnic Area Burnley Wood (N)
Picnic Area
Burnley Wood (N)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Turning Circle Towneley (by)
Turning Circle
Towneley (by)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Rock Lane Towneley (by)
Rock Lane
Towneley (by)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Fairholme Rd Burnley Wood (N)
Fairholme Rd
Burnley Wood (N)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (W)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (W)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Strange Street Burnley Wood (by)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:22 08:32 09:52 :52 14:52 15:55 17:05 18:14 19:22
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (by)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (by)
07:23 08:33 09:53 :53 14:53 15:56 17:06 18:15 19:23
Parkinson Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parkinson Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:24 08:34 09:54 :54 14:54 15:57 17:07 18:16 19:24
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (NW)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (NW)
07:25 08:36 09:55 :55 14:55 15:58 17:08 18:17 19:25
Mechanics Institute Burnley (by)
07:27 08:38 09:57 :57 14:57 16:00 17:10 18:19 19:27
Bus Station Burnley (Stand 0)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 0)
07:29 08:41 09:59 :59 14:59 16:02 17:12 18:21 19:29

Print Timetable Thursday - 8 - Burnley Bus Station - Bacup, St James Gardens

Bus Station Burnley (Stand 5)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 5)
06:35 07:40 09:05 then
:05 until 14:05 15:05 16:15 17:25 18:35
Mechanics Institute Burnley (SW)
06:36 07:41 09:06 :06 14:06 15:07 16:17 17:27 18:36
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (by)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (by)
06:37 07:42 09:07 :07 14:07 15:08 16:18 17:28 18:37
Parliament Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parliament Street
Burnley Wood (by)
06:39 07:44 09:09 :09 14:09 15:09 16:19 17:29 18:39
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (S)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Strange Street Burnley Wood (S)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (by)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
The Woodman Burnley Wood (S)
The Woodman
Burnley Wood (S)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Fairholme Road Burnley Wood (by)
Fairholme Road
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Rock Lane Towneley (S)
Rock Lane
Towneley (S)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Picnic Area Towneley (by)
Picnic Area
Towneley (by)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Bacup Road Towneley (by)
Bacup Road
Towneley (by)
06:43 07:48 09:13 :13 14:13 15:14 16:24 17:34 18:43
Rush Hey Cliviger (SE)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (SE)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:15 16:25 17:35 18:44
Thane Row Cliviger (S)
Thane Row
Cliviger (S)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:16 16:26 17:36 18:44
Land-fill Site Holme Chapel (SW)
Land-fill Site
Holme Chapel (SW)
06:46 07:51 09:16 :16 14:16 15:17 16:27 17:37 18:46
Bacup Old Road Weir (SE)
06:49 07:54 09:19 :19 14:19 15:21 16:31 17:41 18:49
Wesley Old Hall Weir (by)
06:50 07:55 09:20 :20 14:20 15:22 16:32 17:42 18:50
The Moorlands Weir (by)
The Moorlands
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Heald Lane Weir (by)
Heald Lane
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Richard Street Weir (S)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Weir Lane Weir (by)
Weir Lane
Weir (by)
06:52 07:57 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Plantation View Weir (S)
06:52 07:58 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Northern CPS Broad Clough (S)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (S)
06:53 07:59 09:23 :23 14:23 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:53
York Street Broad Clough (by)
York Street
Broad Clough (by)
06:54 07:59 09:24 :24 14:24 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:54
Riley Street Broad Clough (SW)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (SW)
06:55 08:00 09:25 :25 14:25 15:26 16:36 17:46 18:55
Meadows Avenue Bacup (by)
Meadows Avenue
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:01 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Hammerton Street Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Laurel Street Bacup (by)
Laurel Street
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:56
Post Office Bacup (Stop E)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop E)
06:57 08:03 09:27 :27 14:27 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:57
St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:29 16:39 17:49 18:58

Print Timetable Thursday - 8 - Bacup, St James Gardens - Burnley Bus Station

St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 then
:28 until 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Inkerman Street Bacup (SE)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Thorn Gardens Bacup (by)
Thorn Gardens
Bacup (by)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Tong Lane Top Bacup (SE)
Tong Lane Top
Bacup (SE)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Pennine Road Bacup (SW)
Pennine Road
Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Gladstone Street Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Sandfield Road Top Bacup (S)
07:01 08:07 09:31 :31 14:31 15:33 16:43 17:53 19:01
Sandfield Road Bottom Bacup (SW)
07:02 08:08 09:32 :32 14:32 15:34 16:44 17:54 19:02
Greenhill Road Bacup (by)
Greenhill Road
Bacup (by)
07:03 08:10 09:33 :33 14:33 15:35 16:45 17:55 19:03
Royal Court Theatre Bacup (N)
07:05 08:12 09:35 :35 14:35 15:37 16:47 17:57 19:05
Union Street Bacup (Stop I)
Union Street
Bacup (Stop I)
07:06 08:14 09:36 :36 14:36 15:39 16:49 17:58 19:06
Market Street Bacup (Stop B)
Market Street
Bacup (Stop B)
07:07 08:15 09:37 :37 14:37 15:40 16:50 17:59 19:07
Post Office Bacup (Stop F)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop F)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Ash Street Bacup (by)
Ash Street
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Holmes Lane Bacup (by)
Holmes Lane
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Meadows Avenue Bacup (N)
07:09 08:17 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
Riley Street Broad Clough (by)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (by)
07:09 08:18 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
York St Broad Clough (N)
York St
Broad Clough (N)
07:10 08:18 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Northern CPS Broad Clough (by)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (by)
07:10 08:19 09:40 :40 14:40 15:43 16:53 18:02 19:10
Plantation View Weir (by)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Weir Lane Weir (N)
Weir Lane
Weir (N)
07:11 08:20 09:41 :41 14:41 15:44 16:54 18:03 19:11
Richard Street Weir (by)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
Heald Lane Weir (N)
Heald Lane
Weir (N)
07:12 08:21 09:42 :42 14:42 15:45 16:55 18:04 19:12
The Moorlands Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Wesley Old Hall Weir (N)
07:13 08:22 09:43 :43 14:43 15:46 16:56 18:05 19:13
Bacup Old Road Weir (by)
07:14 08:23 09:44 :44 14:44 15:47 16:57 18:06 19:14
Landfill site Holme Chapel (by)
Landfill site
Holme Chapel (by)
07:17 08:26 09:47 :47 14:47 15:50 17:00 18:09 19:17
Thane Row Cliviger (by)
Thane Row
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Rush Hey Cliviger (by)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (by)
07:18 08:28 09:48 :48 14:48 15:51 17:01 18:10 19:18
Picnic Area Burnley Wood (N)
Picnic Area
Burnley Wood (N)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Turning Circle Towneley (by)
Turning Circle
Towneley (by)
07:20 08:30 09:50 :50 14:50 15:53 17:03 18:12 19:20
Rock Lane Towneley (by)
Rock Lane
Towneley (by)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Fairholme Rd Burnley Wood (N)
Fairholme Rd
Burnley Wood (N)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (W)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (W)
07:21 08:31 09:51 :51 14:51 15:54 17:04 18:13 19:21
Strange Street Burnley Wood (by)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:22 08:32 09:52 :52 14:52 15:55 17:05 18:14 19:22
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (by)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (by)
07:23 08:33 09:53 :53 14:53 15:56 17:06 18:15 19:23
Parkinson Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parkinson Street
Burnley Wood (by)
07:24 08:34 09:54 :54 14:54 15:57 17:07 18:16 19:24
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (NW)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (NW)
07:25 08:36 09:55 :55 14:55 15:58 17:08 18:17 19:25
Mechanics Institute Burnley (by)
07:27 08:38 09:57 :57 14:57 16:00 17:10 18:19 19:27
Bus Station Burnley (Stand 0)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 0)
07:29 08:41 09:59 :59 14:59 16:02 17:12 18:21 19:29

Print Timetable Friday - 8 - Burnley Bus Station - Bacup, St James Gardens

Bus Station Burnley (Stand 5)
Bus Station
Burnley (Stand 5)
06:35 07:40 09:05 then
:05 until 14:05 15:05 16:15 17:25 18:35
Mechanics Institute Burnley (SW)
06:36 07:41 09:06 :06 14:06 15:07 16:17 17:27 18:36
Bowling Alley Burnley Wood (by)
Bowling Alley
Burnley Wood (by)
06:37 07:42 09:07 :07 14:07 15:08 16:18 17:28 18:37
Parliament Street Burnley Wood (by)
Parliament Street
Burnley Wood (by)
06:39 07:44 09:09 :09 14:09 15:09 16:19 17:29 18:39
Kirk Gate Burnley Wood (S)
Kirk Gate
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Strange Street Burnley Wood (S)
Strange Street
Burnley Wood (S)
06:40 07:45 09:10 :10 14:10 15:11 16:21 17:31 18:40
Hufling Lane Burnley Wood (by)
Hufling Lane
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
The Woodman Burnley Wood (S)
The Woodman
Burnley Wood (S)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Fairholme Road Burnley Wood (by)
Fairholme Road
Burnley Wood (by)
06:41 07:46 09:11 :11 14:11 15:12 16:22 17:32 18:41
Rock Lane Towneley (S)
Rock Lane
Towneley (S)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Picnic Area Towneley (by)
Picnic Area
Towneley (by)
06:42 07:47 09:12 :12 14:12 15:13 16:23 17:33 18:42
Bacup Road Towneley (by)
Bacup Road
Towneley (by)
06:43 07:48 09:13 :13 14:13 15:14 16:24 17:34 18:43
Rush Hey Cliviger (SE)
Rush Hey
Cliviger (SE)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:15 16:25 17:35 18:44
Thane Row Cliviger (S)
Thane Row
Cliviger (S)
06:44 07:49 09:14 :14 14:14 15:16 16:26 17:36 18:44
Land-fill Site Holme Chapel (SW)
Land-fill Site
Holme Chapel (SW)
06:46 07:51 09:16 :16 14:16 15:17 16:27 17:37 18:46
Bacup Old Road Weir (SE)
06:49 07:54 09:19 :19 14:19 15:21 16:31 17:41 18:49
Wesley Old Hall Weir (by)
06:50 07:55 09:20 :20 14:20 15:22 16:32 17:42 18:50
The Moorlands Weir (by)
The Moorlands
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Heald Lane Weir (by)
Heald Lane
Weir (by)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Richard Street Weir (S)
06:51 07:56 09:21 :21 14:21 15:23 16:33 17:43 18:51
Weir Lane Weir (by)
Weir Lane
Weir (by)
06:52 07:57 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Plantation View Weir (S)
06:52 07:58 09:22 :22 14:22 15:24 16:34 17:44 18:52
Northern CPS Broad Clough (S)
Northern CPS
Broad Clough (S)
06:53 07:59 09:23 :23 14:23 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:53
York Street Broad Clough (by)
York Street
Broad Clough (by)
06:54 07:59 09:24 :24 14:24 15:25 16:35 17:45 18:54
Riley Street Broad Clough (SW)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (SW)
06:55 08:00 09:25 :25 14:25 15:26 16:36 17:46 18:55
Meadows Avenue Bacup (by)
Meadows Avenue
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:01 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Hammerton Street Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:27 16:37 17:47 18:56
Laurel Street Bacup (by)
Laurel Street
Bacup (by)
06:56 08:02 09:26 :26 14:26 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:56
Post Office Bacup (Stop E)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop E)
06:57 08:03 09:27 :27 14:27 15:28 16:38 17:48 18:57
St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:29 16:39 17:49 18:58

Print Timetable Friday - 8 - Bacup, St James Gardens - Burnley Bus Station

St James Gardens Bacup (Stop C)
St James Gardens
Bacup (Stop C)
06:58 08:04 09:28 then
:28 until 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Inkerman Street Bacup (SE)
06:58 08:04 09:28 :28 14:28 15:30 16:40 17:50 18:58
Thorn Gardens Bacup (by)
Thorn Gardens
Bacup (by)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Tong Lane Top Bacup (SE)
Tong Lane Top
Bacup (SE)
06:59 08:05 09:29 :29 14:29 15:31 16:41 17:51 18:59
Pennine Road Bacup (SW)
Pennine Road
Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Gladstone Street Bacup (SW)
07:00 08:06 09:30 :30 14:30 15:32 16:42 17:52 19:00
Sandfield Road Top Bacup (S)
07:01 08:07 09:31 :31 14:31 15:33 16:43 17:53 19:01
Sandfield Road Bottom Bacup (SW)
07:02 08:08 09:32 :32 14:32 15:34 16:44 17:54 19:02
Greenhill Road Bacup (by)
Greenhill Road
Bacup (by)
07:03 08:10 09:33 :33 14:33 15:35 16:45 17:55 19:03
Royal Court Theatre Bacup (N)
07:05 08:12 09:35 :35 14:35 15:37 16:47 17:57 19:05
Union Street Bacup (Stop I)
Union Street
Bacup (Stop I)
07:06 08:14 09:36 :36 14:36 15:39 16:49 17:58 19:06
Market Street Bacup (Stop B)
Market Street
Bacup (Stop B)
07:07 08:15 09:37 :37 14:37 15:40 16:50 17:59 19:07
Post Office Bacup (Stop F)
Post Office
Bacup (Stop F)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Ash Street Bacup (by)
Ash Street
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Holmes Lane Bacup (by)
Holmes Lane
Bacup (by)
07:08 08:16 09:38 :38 14:38 15:41 16:51 18:00 19:08
Meadows Avenue Bacup (N)
07:09 08:17 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01 19:09
Riley Street Broad Clough (by)
Riley Street
Broad Clough (by)
07:09 08:18 09:39 :39 14:39 15:42 16:52 18:01