all aboard for tail-wagging travels!

Here at Transdev, we’re proud to be working with volunteer trainers from Guide Dogs to help make travel simpler and safer.

Volunteer puppy raisers accompanied by guide dog puppies of varying ages visited our Harrogate HQ to familiarise themselves with every moment of a typical journey, from boarding the bus and taking a seat to stepping off at their chosen stop in a safe and secure way.

The volunteers have also been sharing their own journey feedback with our driver mentors – a hand-picked team of our most experienced drivers who work closely with newer drivers to provide guidance and support.

Our Operations Director Vitto Pizzuti says:

“Guide Dogs’ puppy raiser volunteers do a magnificent job in preparing the dogs for their vitally important work with blind or partially sighted people.
“It’s important that part of the guide dog training process covers how to help their owners to travel safely by bus, and as a responsible bus operator, safety is always our number one priority.”

Guide Dog puppy trainers are always welcome to travel free on all our buses – all they need to do is make sure the dog is wearing the Guide Dogs branded coat or lead flash when they step onto the bus.